Bus and Cycle Signs

No buses

Route for cycles buses and taxis only

Route for cycles buses and motorcycles only

Route for buses only

With flow bus and cycle lane that taxi can also use

Continuation of a bus and cycle lane. The lower panel explains the times when the lane is operational

The word "local" on the bus symbol means the only buses that may use the lane are those running a local service. Where the word "local" is not shown, the lane may be used by any vehicle designed to carry more than 8 passengers, excluding the driver, and local buses. Solo motorcycles may use the lane where the motorcycle symbol is shown on the signs. Other vehicles may enter and stop in a bus lane to load and unload unless signs alongside the lane indicate otherwise.

Where there is a break in a bus lane at a junction, other traffic may use the left-hand lane for turning left only

Bus lane on road at junction ahead

Termination of bus lane

Contraflow bus lane ahead

Bus and cycle lane at junction ahead

Reminder to pedestrians that they are to look both ways before crossing a bus and cycle route

Place where buses may set down and pick up passengers

Place where tourist buses may stop to allow passengers to take photographs

Route for buses only into a bus depot or station

Mandatory with-flow cycle lane, the sign may have a lower panel which describes the times the lane is operational

Continuation of a mandatory with-flow cycle lane

Advised cycle route

Mandatory contra-flow cycle lane

Contra-flow pedal cycle lane in a one-way road.

Pedal cycle lane on a main road at a junction ahead

Reminder for pedestrians to look out for pedal cycles approaching from the right

End of cycle lane, route or track

Pedal cycles are advised to dismount at the end of a cycle lane, track or route

Shared route for pedestrians and cycles

Segregated route for pedestrians and cycles

Route for cycles only

Pedal cycles prohibited

Cycles crossing or in the road ahead

Examples of plates that supplement the "Cycles crossing" sign