Speed Limit Signs
Remember that in areas of street lighting (other than on motorways) a 30-mph limit applies unless another limit is specifically signed.
A larger sign indicates the start of a speed limit. Smaller repeater signs act as reminders. Repeater signs for a 30 mph limit are used only on roads with no street lighting. Repeater signs for the national speed limit are used only on roads with street lighting (other than motorways)
Maximum speed limit
End of speed limit (in the UK a national speed limit applies)
Minimum speed limit applies
End of minimum speed limit
New speed limit in force that was previously a higher limit
Entrance to a village. The sign may incorporate the village name
Entrance to a 20mph zone that has traffic calming measures
End of a school zone or a 20mph traffic calmed area and entrance to a 30mph limit
Entrance to a 40mph zone
End of a 40mph traffic calmed area and entrance to a 50mph limit
20 mph speed limit past a school
End of school zone
Speed cameras nearby on a lit road with a 30 mph speed limit (i.e. where there are no speed limit repeater signs)
Speed cameras nearby on an unlit road subject to the national speed limit (i.e. where there are no speed limit repeater signs)
Reminder used in area where traffic cameras operate