Tram Signs, and Signals
Trams can run on roads used by other vehicles and pedestrians. The part of the road used by trams (the "swept path") may have a different colour or textured surface to the rest of the road, or it may be edged with special road markings. Keep the "swept path" clear. Trams cannot move out of the way of other road users!
Open tram crossing ahead
Light signals for pedestrians warning of trams approaching
Route to be taken by trams only
Route to be taken by trams and local buses only
No entry to vehicular traffic except trams
Give way to trams at an open tram crossing
Sign for pedestrians to look both ways for trams before crossing a tram route
These signals are used for tram drivers. They are normally attached to traffic signals.
Stop, unless it is unsafe to do so
Proceed left
Proceed right
Proceed ahead