Controlled Parking Zones
Some areas are designated as controlled parking zones. The entry sign indicates the times when waiting is prohibited. The yellow lines within the zone do not normally have yellow plates indicating the times of the prohibition unless the times are different from those shown on the entry sign. It is therefore important to note the times shown when entering the zone. If there is no lower panel showing days and times, the zone operates at all times. If loading is prohibited at the same time as the waiting prohibition, the entry sign should include the words "No loading “at the bottom of the upper panel. The zone is likely to include parking places and loading bays. Some parking places may be for permit holders only, others for general use. The times when these operate should be shown on the signs at the bays; these times may not be the same as those shown on the zone entry sign. Where the majority of on-street parking within the zone is pay and display, the heading on the entry sign may say "Pay and Display ZONE" instead of "Controlled ZONE".
Entrance to a controlled parking zone
End of a controlled parking zone
Other headings are "Meter ZONE" where there are parking meters, or "Disc ZONE" where a parking disc showing the time of arrival has to be displayed on the vehicle when parking. The entry to a pre-paid voucher parking zone has the voucher logo on the entrance sign.
Sign at a parking bay within a disc zone. Free parking for all vehicles, with a 30-minute time limit from Monday to Saturday between 8 am and 7 pm. A parking disc indicating the time of arrival at the parking bay must be displayed in the vehicle
Entrance to a voucher parking zone
Entrance to a meter parking zone
Entrance to a disc parking zone
Entrance to a pay and display parking zone
In some areas, local authorities operate special goods vehicle waiting restrictions. Usually these apply to goods vehicles of over 5 or 7.5 tonnes maximum gross weight. Where the same restrictions apply throughout a zone, usually overnight, the times are indicated on a zone entry sign. Within the zone there are no yellow lines (unless there are other waiting restrictions applying to all vehicles), but there should be repeater signs on each side of every street as a reminder. There are equivalent signs for buses with the bus symbol, and signs that apply to both goods vehicles and buses
Zone entry where both buses and HGVs are restricted
Zone entry where buses are restricted
Zone entry where HGVs are restricted
Sign within the zone reminding drivers of the restrictions applicable
End of zone where bus or HGV restrictions apply
End of zone where bus and HGV restrictions apply